We're extremely proud to introduce out third and last finalist team of Telekom Fashion Fusion & Lufthansa Flying Lab: team Smartchair
The main product idea is an intelligent and highly comfortable plane seat, optimizing and augmenting the flight experience through special features and applications, such as the soundproof cocoon shape or smart glasses that reduce jet lag. In addition, the team wants to produce OLED displays, which provide a new form of multimedia entertainment for passengers, and create an updated smart-textile uniform for the Lufthansa crew.
The team consists of designers from Akademie JAK, Hamburg and qualified researchers from Technische Universität Dresden with the support of Steinwurf ApS, Denmark: Melanie Maucksch, Ronja Kappe, Roman Knipping-Sorokin,Chiara Brodersen, Juan Alberto Cabrera Guerrero, Frank Fitzek & Máté Tömösközi.
We are excited for the development and wish team Smartchair the best of luck!