Recap: Final Presentations Telekom Fashion Fusion & Lufthansa FlyingLab
On Monday, 18th December, the finalist teams of our Telekom Fashion Fusion & Lufthansa FlyingLab challenge presented the final outcome of their prototypes.
It was a big day for all of us on Monday, 18th December 2017. At the stunning location of the HSR in Berlin, our finalists from the Telekom Fashion Fusion & Lufthansa FlyingLab challenge, Team feelflight, Team Lyra & Team Smart Chair, concluded their month-long intensive mentoring program by presenting the final output of their prototypes.
We are extremely proud of these forward-thinking, innovative results that all three teams have developed and designed for a more comfortable, tech-enhanced future of flying. And we are even more proud to announce that all three teams will be present on the flight from Frankfurt to Las Vegas in January! Since we have already talked so much about the product prototypes, we are going to let images speak and we hope you are as excited as we are.
Who knows, maybe you’ll soon be on a Lufthansa flight with one of those creative inventions! Enjoy, and congratulations to all the teams on their successful results.