Clothing that operates apps. Fabrics that communicate. 3D body scan set to replace the fitting room. Deutsche Telekom, through its Telekom Fashion Fusion program, is fostering the visionary ideas of start-ups and young entrepreneurs in the fashion, technology, and product design industries on new and intelligent ways of linking high-tech, wearables, and smart services.
On April 17, 2018, the nine teams of this year’s finalists presented their projects to the press for the first time. Before, moderated by Vreni Frost (Tech & The City), a panel discussion on the topic “Fashion Fusion – new tendencies in fashion and tech” took place. On the podium:
- Antje Hundhausen, Founder Fashion Fusion, VP Brand Experience Deutsche Telekom
- Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner #FASHIONTECH
- Jasna Rokegem, Founder Jasna Rok